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Saturday, September 10, 2011

NLU Assam BA LLB Admission Date Application Form NLS&JAA

National Law School & Judicial Academy, Assam 


NLU Assam BA LLB Admission 


The Academy follows the Education Rules in Part IV of the Bar Council Rules under the Advocates Act, 1961 as provided in the Schedules in so far as maintaining the standards of Legal education is concerned in the Institution and strive for establishing and maintaining an Institution of Excellence.

The Academy will offer courses in Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Science and Language. However, the Academy will initially introduce one stream of study, namely Arts, which shall be integrated with legal courses leading to the award of B.A.LL.B over a period of five years as prescribed under the Rules of the Bar Council of India. 

The teaching faculty in each course/subject as well as in Court Room exercise, tutorials, and other forms of teaching-learning process shall maintain the records of attendance as well as records of performance in the regular and continuous evaluation which must be periodically informed to the participating students. 

Minimum standard of attendance as may be stipulated by the Faculty from time to time, shall be maintained by the students in order to take the end of semester final test in each course/subject, provided however such a standard shall not be less than what is required under the Education Rules of the Bar Council as prescribed from time to time.

The Semester program, number of Courses of study and subjects will be designed as per the following norms:

Bachelors degree course is standardized by the University based on course design of the UGC/leading Indian and Foreign Universities as provided in the Rules.

The Law Degree courses are based on the subjects prescribed by the Bar Council of India, stating as follows: Compulsory papers are 20 in number, practical courses would be 4 papers of which 3 are only taught course, Optional courses are 6 and Honours/specialization courses are 8 papers, totaling 37 papers.

The Integrated dual degree programs are as follows:

Integrated Law Course Design
Total number of semesters: 10
Minimum No of Weekly program per semester: 18 weeks
Minimum number of courses for undergraduate part leading to BA:
English – 2 papers 
Social Science: 3 subjects with 4 papers each: 12 papers
Minimum number of Law courses:
Compulsory Law papers: 20 papers 
Clinical courses: 4 papers (including 1 non-taught course)  
Optional courses: 6 papers 
Honours/Specialization courses: 8 papers
Minimum number of Total courses leading to BA. LL.B = 51 papers
Papers per semester= 5 (One semester may have 6 with two comparatively lighter papers)

The Academy shall be free to increase number of subjects/courses/papers at any level without omitting any of the Compulsory Law and Clinical course papers. However, the clinical course on Moot Court and Internship diaries assessment does not require any regular lecture hours

The following are the additional guidelines for the course:
Normally students are required to work at least 36 class hours in a week and also additional hours in the Library.

Unless otherwise instructed by the faculty all courses other than honours courses in the first three years are “taught-courses” having a self-learning and a small research project/paper writing and presentation component in it. In a “taught course” one credit shall mean one class hour. As such a 6-credit course means 6 hours work per week.

Optional and compulsory law courses are first-grade mixed courses requiring 1-hour class room exercise including 1 hour weekly for moot court / tutorial exercise. Each subject/paper may require 2/3 hours of research work per week.
Honours course is a mixed course of research and taught.

Lectures in honours course is not expected to be more than 25% to 33 % of the entire teaching learning system. In honours course one credit shall mean one class hour and 2 to 3 research hours per week in normal condition. Therefore 10-credit honours course may mean 3 class hours and 7 research hours or as instructed by the faculty per week.

A student is required to self assess the capacity and the time available to apply for more than one honours/specializations, which may not be granted by the faculty unless the applicant is competent to take any additional load.
The Vice Chancellor may make appropriate adjustments in designing the integrated dual degree course subject to the guideline provided by the CDC and the Rules.

The Academy may prescribe the detail course design in any other courses to be introduced from time to time. (5) Each student shall take at least 3 subjects from the following subjects. The Academy may restrict the choice because of the availability or non-availability of faculty.


1. Economics 4. History
2. Political Science 5. Philosophy & Logic
3. Sociology 6. Psychology

Each of the above subjects shall have four papers.
There shall be a Director of the clinical and procedural courses, who shall preferably be a retired District Judge or a person with 15-20 years of practical professional experience.

The curriculum has been designed by taking cognizance of such courses in other National Law Universities, curriculum developed and proposed by Curriculum Development Committee of the Bar Council of India and of the University Grants Commission as also some of the leading Universities of the world.

The National Law School & Judicial Academy, Assam has been established as a torchbearer in the field of education in the faculty of law. The institution has been established by “The National Law School & Judicial Academy, Assam Act” that is Assam Act XXV of 2009. The Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court is the President (Chancellor) of the Law School.

The National Law School & Judiciary Academy, Assam is located in the capital city of Assam, Guwahati, with its permanent campus coming up at Agiyathuri, on the Northern bank of the Brahmaputra. Nestled in the midst of greenery with a campus area covering 21 acres, the Academy will offer the right atmosphere for educational pursuits and excellence. The area is likely to increase to 47 acres in the near future.

Recent times have seen an upsurge in the choice of law as a career and consequently enrollment to law courses. The National Law School & Judicial Academy, Assam has been established at an opportune time and is poised to make great strides in legal education in the state of Assam in particular and the country as a whole. 

The Academy will initially constitute a Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Science and Language. With a strict admission and evaluation process, highly evolved curriculum and the best in the field to impart knowledge, the Academy will ensure that it delivers only the best legal talent to the system.

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